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Bad Electrical Panel Upgrades

Longmont Bad Electrical Panel Upgrades

Your home has a central electrical panel that operates the circuit breakers. All the wiring in the home is routed through the panel and out to different circuits that feed the outlets, lighting, HVAC, and other systems. You can think of the electrical panel as the heart of your electrical system. Electricity travels through the heart and out to different locations, much the same as blood flows through the body.

The electrical panel, when bad, won't be able to do its job. The panel is in place to support the breakers and route wiring. The breakers trip when they detect overloads or problems along the wiring. If more power is needed or demanded than your electrical system can handle, frequent breaker trips occur. Shorts, loose wiring, and other problems are also a concern.

An outdated panel is not safe. They must be upgraded to eliminate the risk of fire, short outs, and shocks. As it ages, a panel will begin to degenerate and develop problems. Since many homes have panels over forty years old, your electrical panel could be as well.

Call today and let Titus Electrical Services perform an inspection. You will get nothing but professional, honest information. Our Longmont electricians can handle your Longmont panel upgrade , rewiring, or other needs.

  • Upgrade Fuse Boxes
  • Upgrade Split-Bus Panels
  • Upgrade Panels Older Than 10 Yrs

Signs Of Bad Panel:

  • Frequent power surges
  • Lights flickering
  • Frequent breaker trips
  • Power weak when running appliances together
  • Sparks
  • Burning smells
  • Burn spots
  • Shock

The Electrical Safety Inspection

During an electrical safety inspection, your entire electrical system will be tested and inspected. This includes a thorough inspection of the electrical panel. If the electrical circuit breaker panel needs upgrading, it needs to be done right away.

Think of it this way. Delaying the upgrade is the same as expecting your heart and body to keep working with a limited supply of blood and a bunch of cholesterol buildup in the arteries. It's in a dangerous state.

The Panel Upgrade

The U.S. Census Bureau data states that over half of the homes in our country were built before 1970. Think back to that era if you were living then. Homes had small kitchen appliances, maybe a few TV's, oven, refrigerator, freezer, water heater, maybe HVAC, lights, and not much else.

Now think of all the electronics and electrical devices we use today and how sophisticated they are when compared to long ago. We have several personal PC's, laptops, tablets, iPods, iPhones, home printers, home office equipment, central heat and air in nearly every home, hot tubs, car charging stations, swimming pool equipment, exercise machines, and a myriad of complex appliances, tools, and equipment. Everything is running on electricity today. That load can't be handled by an out of date panel box, especially one that is 40 years old.

The panel upgrade is handled by one of our professional electricians in Longmont. We study the electrical needs of the home and your family and make the best recommendation to you. Some homes need panel upgrades, some need additional circuits, some need dedicated circuits, and some need old wiring replaced.

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If you have a bad electrical panel in Longmont or any of our other service areas, please call Titus Electrical Services at 970-329-2337, or fill out our online request form.

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